The IAMQS – International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System was created by industry for industry to ensure that companies and professionals are equipped with the right set of skills to implement AM at an industrial level.
The International AM Qualification System is administered by the EWF.
Welding Greek Institute is authorized by the EWF to implement the international harmonized system of education, training and specialization in the field of 3D printing for Metals and Polymers.
This uniform system, which applies to all countries regarding the qualification of personnel for a wide range of levels, is fully harmonised with the ISO Standards and ASME Code, which are relevant to the Additive Manufacturing sector.
The International Additive Manufacturing programmes concern companies and individuals who focus on their professional skills and value them as crucial to their success, and are ready to join local and global industrial sectors such as Industry 4.0, where Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a key pillar.
The levels of Training and Qualification Certification for IAMQS are:
- Operator Powder Bed Fusion – Laser Beam – I MAM O PBF-LB.
- Operator Directed Energy Deposition – Laser Beam – I MAM O DED-LB.
- Operator Powder Bed Fusion – Electron Beam – I MAM O PBF-EB.
- Operator Directed Energy Deposition – Arc – I MAM O DED-Arc.
- Process Engineer Powder Bed Fusion – Laser Beam – I MAM PE PBF-LB.
- Process Engineer Directed Energy Deposition – Laser Beam – I MAM PE DED-LB.
- Process Engineer Directed Energy Deposition – Arc – I MAM PE DED-Arc.
- Designer for DED Processes – I MAM D-DED.
- Designer for PBF Processes – I MAM D-PBF.
- Designer for Polymers – I AM D-P.
- Coordinator – I MAM C.
- Supervisor – I MAM S.
Welding Greek Institute is the Exclusive Authorised Nominated Body of IAMQS.
Useful Resources & Information
For any further information about the training programme