International Welding Organizations [IIW, EWF] examinations are conducted exclusively in Greece by Welding Greek Institute [WGI].
The recognised Examination Centres are located:
- At the premises of the Welding Greek Institute, Trapezountos 96 & Digenis Akritas, 19200, Elefsina, Attica.
- At the premises of Welding Greek Institute in Thessaloniki 14-16 Valaoritou & Leontos Sofou, on the first floor.
- At the University of Western Macedonia, in Koila, Kozani.
Requirements for participation in the Examinations
A candidate is approved for the International Organisations examinations only if:
- Μeets the approved Access Conditions for Greece.
- Provides a statement from the Authorized Training Body/ ATBs that he/she has completed 90% of the total training hours for the specific module he/she is interested in taking the Examination.
Required Documents for Participation in Examinations
Participation in the examinations for Welding Coordination Personnel [Engineer or Technologist (IWE or IWT)], and Welding Inspectors [IWIP] qualification requires the submission of certain documents to the Welding Greek Institute (WGI).
Required Documents:
- Signed Application Form for the examinations. To make your application click here.
- Identity card or passport , or other official identification document.
- A copy of Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent diploma as required by the Access Conditions for the tested qualification level.
- Colored Photo in electronic format.
- Proof of payment of examination fees (proof of bank deposit, e-banking, receipt etc. ) .
The results of the written and oral examinations are communicated exclusively to the candidate after his/her request.
Examination fees
Welding Greek Institute is a non-profit organization and its main income comes from the participation of candidates in the examinations and the membership fees of its members
– International Welding Engineers, Technologists, Specialist and Practitioners Candidates, IWE/IWT/IWS/IWP
Each candidate may be re-examined up to three ( 3 ) times for each module, at no extra charge, for the written and oral examinations and up to once for the practical examinations (IWP only).
The cost of the written and oral examinations (if required) is 300€ per examination for the members of the Welding Greek Institute.
The cost of the written and oral examinations (if required) is 500€ per examination for non-members of the Welding Greek Institute.
See here a detailed table of exams and costs per Diploma.
See here the examination regulations.
See here the IWE/IWT/IWS/IWP examination schedule for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
– International Welding Inspector Candidates, IWIP – C / IWIP – S / IWIP – B
Each candidate may be re-tested up to two (2) times for each module, at no extra charge, and up to once for the practical examination.
The cost of the written, practical and oral examinations (if required) is 200€ per examination for the members of the Welding Greek Institute.
The cost of the written and oral examinations (if required) is 400€ per examination for non-members of the Welding Greek Institute.
See here a detailed table of exams and costs per Diploma.
– International Welder Candidates, IW MMA, TIG, MIG/MAG, Oxy Fuel
Welding candidates, regardless of the method they have chosen to be tested (MMA, TIG, MIG/MAG or Oxy Fuel) will be tested in one written and three practical examinations, for fillet and butt welds, covering the full range of welding positions and types per method.
See here for the required exams and the relevant costs for Welders.
Conduct of Examinations
The examinations are conducted under specific conditions, which are part of the Management System approved by the Committees of the Welding Greek Institute (WGI) and IIW/EWF IAB.
For written examinations, candidates must adhere to the following Examination Security issues:
Mobile phones and other mobile equipment are not allowed. Supervisors should ensure that all participants should leave all mobile equipment outside the examination site. Supervisors are allowed to carry out personal checks to avoid any inconvenience.
INFRINGEMENT/ BREACH/ TREACHING – Practices by participants themselves or related persons against the Examination Database and the related security of Examination Applications are also expressly prohibited.
Participants who attempt to avoid such restrictions on the use of mobile phones and other equipment or HACKING / PENETRATION, as determined by the WGI CEO, will be subject to a penalty of 1 to 5 years of exclusion from the Examination procedure and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
See here the examination regulation.